That was surprisingly hilarious
I love both my PS3 and my 360(in spite of going through 3 of them til I found one that didn't screw up on me thanks to a bold but evil move by Microsoft to get ahead of the competition) and I had a Wii for like a month or less only for Smash Bros Brawl and after that I had no more use for it and traded it in lol. This was pretty hilarious though I think the PS3 may have been a bit exaggerated here just a bit lol. Now if Sony knew how to use their system properly(Uncharted 2) then you'd be more accurate the way what the heck did the PS3 say? lmfao and I also love how you represented the over hyped Wii lol. That thing is a prettier Gamecube with motion sensor and nothing more(ironically it has a better browser than the almighty PS3 XD). Anyhow, I'm starting to ramble, excellent job on the falsh buddy, I hope to see more funny stuff like this from ya.